Antonio Paternoster Marriage to Rosa Granconato of Lonigo 1876 Image 113
I cannot at this time be 100% certain that Antonio Paternoster is related to my Luigia Paternoster, but it is likely they are either Siblings or Cousins etc due the scarcity of the name in Lonigo.
Antonio-Paternoster-Marriage-1876I have discovered one birth associated with this marriage. Antonio Paolo Felice Paternoster was born on 16th November 1877.
Antonio-Paternoster-1877My thanks go to members of the Facebook ITALIAN GENEALOGY group who have helped translate this document. Including Catryna Katero & Simone Doneda. I was really struggling with the handwriting.
–Birth Record 2254–
Date of Registration: November 18, 1877
Time of Registration: 12:40
Municipality: Lonigo
Province: Vicenza
Region: Veneto
Declarant: Antonio Paternoster
Gender: Male
Name: Antonio Paolo Felice Paternoster
Birth Date: November 16, 1877
Time of Birth: 5:00 pm
Birthplace: Firenze, at home
Birthplace Address: Via Filippo Strozzi 8
Father: Antonio Paternoster
Father’s Age: 30 years
Father’s Profession: Employee
Father’s Residence: Lonigo & Firenze
Mother: Rosa Granconato
Mother’s Profession: Homemaker
Mother’s Residence: Lonigo, with spouse
Witness1: Pasquale Baccetta
Witness1 Age: 40 years
Witness1 Profession: Gardener
Witness1 Residence: Lonigo
Witness2: Giuseppe Lironio
Witness2 Age: 40 years
Witness2 Profession: Bristle Maker
Witness2 Residence: Lonigo
The aforementioned birth has been ascertained by the Municipal Doctor.
Having read this document to those present, along with myself, they have signed it, with the exception of Pasquale Baccetta, who has declared his illiterac
Declarant & Father: Antonio Paternoster
Witness2: Giuseppe Lironio
Officiant: A. Orsi, Civil State Registrar